Did you know that video pages on a website get visited a lot more than most of your other web pages. It's true, video pages consistently rank in the top three most visited pages on a website.

It's simple, people are visual and we like to watch rather than read or at least that's where user behavior is trending. Studies have proven that technology has made everything faster and time is scarce because of it. So if someone can find out about your business in a 30 second video commercial rather than reading about it for several minutes, they may just become your customer.

You may need to start thinking about having a video represent your business.

Three Basic Steps:
Pre-production – the conceptualizing and logistical planning needed to get the project off the ground

Production – the shooting and gathering of images and sound

Post-production – the editing, polishing and delivery of the final video

What is the goal of your video?

Who is your audience?

What story are you trying to tell?

How do you want to tell it?