Social Media Marketing

Social Media is not anything new because we have been socially engaging business opportunities for hundreds of years… The only clear difference between now and let’s say the “Roman Empire” is technology and usage. Taking advantage of social media to benefit your business is what’s on everyones mind. Facebook is an example of social media, but can you profit from a Facebook social media campaign ? The answer is maybe. If your business can persuade someone on Facebook to buy your product or service, then yes you might be able to turn a profit by using it. Making a connection with people that converts to revenue is social media marketing. Let’s say you have a new skin cream that removes wrinkles under your eyes in less than five minutes. Depending on how big your Facebook friends list is, you may be able to get the word out to them and launch a social media frenzy. In the end any exposure anywhere can always be good for a business but if you can create a buzz in a social media forum it should be less expensive and more profitable.

Reputation Management

Your companies reputation is your companies brand. Your brand defines who your company is and if your reputation… is not equal to your brand chances are business may not be so great. Certain sources that can effect your online reputation include client reviews, articles about your business, complaints, recommendations, referrals, awards and consistency through all the different reputation sources there are. Your Online reviews probably are the most important.

Video Marketing

By 2017 video will make up 69% of all consumer Internet traffic. With online video becoming a major means for people to gather their information and entertainment needs, businesses that hesitate to include it in their internet marketing and advertising plans will suffer for it. Internet video has become the future of content marketing. Studies show that at least 50% of all companies are making use of video marketing and that figure is estimated to rise to at least 65% within the next several years. Let’s face it, watching is easier and more entertaining. Video is naturally engaging and at least 100 times more effective and entertaining. In addition video can be promoted with better results through social media such as Facebook and YouTube with point and click ease. In a recent study websites with video on them were in one of the top 3 web pages visitors selected on the website.

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